Know about Localization services

Localization Service

Localization is the transformation of products and services into the language and culture of a specific geographic region. Translation and localization are slightly different from each other. Translation involves grammar and spelling issues, and localization addresses non-textual components like graphics, date and time format, currency symbols, and cultural details.

Being a multicultural and multilingual country, the scope of localization is enormous in India. White globe is one of the top localization companies in India. The localization service providers bring forth localization in hundreds of foreign and regional Indian languages. Regarding the number of speakers, Hindi is the second most popular language in the world. Other Indian languages like Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, etc. are quite popular. 

Some essential types of localizations are language localization, website localization, app localization, software localization, multimedia localization, marketing content localization, and product localization.  

Language localization is the transformation of only the language of a product, service, or any form of content into the language of the audience of a new market territory. Language localization is necessary for global businesses, and language localization companies provide professional services for your businesses to expand to new markets. 

Website localization is the process of transforming a website into the language, design, and culture of the target population. As the website is the heart and soul of the marketing strategy, localizing a website will help you expand your customer base, resulting in more business and monetary gains. There is a huge demand for website localization services in South East Asia and Europe. For correct website localization, an essential requirement is a proper script.

Refining the app as per the linguistic and cultural requirements of a specific target audience is known as app localization. Localization of the app will increase its visibility and sales potential, 

Build trust among users, boost engagement time, and ensure return on investment (ROI). 

Software localization is a process of language, culture, and design adaptation per the target audience's requirement. In software localization, source code, images and user interface changed into another language. It will increase market share, customer reach, and understanding of the products. It also reduces the supporting cost and helps in gaining competitive advantages. 

Multimedia localization is the linguistic and cultural modification of multimedia content which involves audio, video, flash movies, animation, e-learning material, and interactive platforms. Multimedia localization is a complex process, and it involves several steps. A few well-known examples of multimedia localization dubbing, voiceovers, and subtitling. Localization of multimedia content improves product understanding and emotional impact and avoids cultural mishaps. 

Marketing content localization is localizing marketing content, including brochures, social media post content, use cases, articles, and advertisement videos. Marketing localization agencies help businesses in providing high-quality marketing content localization. Marketing content localization enhances brand value and improves search engine optimizations (SEO), customer reach and customer satisfaction. Marketing video localization is the most impactful for marketing a product or a service. At present, all the companies planning to go global are looking for marketing localization services. 

Product localization is a cultural and linguistic adaptation per the audience's need in the new market. Product localization can be done by product detail text translation and packaging alteration. The product details involve content, manuals, and technical support. Product localization is necessary because people naturally tend to buy products that have product details in their native language.   

White Globe is one of India's well-known translation and localization service providers and is exponentially expanding globally. Currently, many translations and localization companies are emerging in India, but the localization industry needs to grow.


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